SK Sharma, ChampionsIT Apps

Love-Marriage-Luck Calculator
Love-Marriage-Luck Calculator App has 3functions. Love and Marriage Calculator for checking lovecompatibility and Marriage compatibility with matrimonial partner -current or prospective based on date of birth and name. In additionto compatibility, the calculator provides the basic characteristicsof the couple which may be used to understand each other and as aninput to relationship management or matrimonial evaluation. If youare not in a relationship and are currently exploring, it may beused for love matching or marriage matching purposes as a basicstarting point. Love compatibility and marriage compatibility canbe very different. At times the love compatibility can be high butmarriage compatibility can be low, and for some couples themarriage compatibility can be high but love compatibility can below. But it is important to note that irrespective of the extent ofthe compatibility for the couple, it can always be improved to someextent by studying the basic characteristics of each other. Whilemaking marriage match or love match, correct date of birth and fullcurrent name should be used for match making.The Luck Calculator finds out your lucky days for the next 7 days.The luck is represented by *s for each day – more *s representbetter luck (maximum of 7 *s). You may plan your important work /tasks according to lucky dates. Lucky dates can be considered to beauspicious dates for carrying out important work to increasechances of success. While selecting the marriage dates, one shouldtry to select a date with 4 or more stars in order to increase thechances of success and luck to be in your favor.All the features of this App are perfect for fun and entertainmentonly, and are based on Chaldean Numerology.After using this App, please consider rating this App.
Daily Luck Forecast
Daily Luck Forecast is a Luck Calculator providing daily horoscopeof your luck for 7 days. So, it is a weekly horoscope of your lucki.e. lucky dates, today onwards, for next 7 days. You can mark yourweekly planner for next 7 days with these lucky dates. The luck isrepresented by number of *s for each day – more *s represent betterluck (maximum of 7 *s). You may plan your important work / tasksaccording to lucky dates. Lucky dates can be considered to beauspicious dates for carrying out important work to increasechances of success. While selecting the marriage dates, one shouldtry to select a date with 4 or more stars in order to increase thechances of success and luck to be in your favor. Same can beapplied to select lucky dates for dating your soul mate, luckydates for selecting interview dates for dream jobs, lucky dates forbuying home, lucky dates for starting a new business, auspiciousdates for carrying out matrimonial evaluations etc. Doing so mayincrease the chances of luck to be in your favor. Once you startcarrying out important tasks on lucky dates, it may or may notstart showing results immediately, and, with time, the results maybecome more effective. All the features of this App are perfect forfun and entertainment only, and are based on Chaldean Numerology.Please consider rating this App after you have used it. Disclaimer:Champions IT Consultancy Private Limited ('Numerology Help')provides information based on Numerology FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSESONLY. We do not claim that we can predict the future or thatinformation provided by us will be reliable or accurate. If you (oranyone on your behalf) use this site or any App provided by us,and/or the information provided by this site or any of our Apps orthrough telephone consultation or in-person, whether directly orindirectly, you will do so at your own risk. The informationprovided by Numerology Help should never, in any case, beconsidered as professional advice nor should it be used as such.Advice from doctors, lawyers, registered practitioners, or otherprofessionals should be relied upon as needed. Numerology Help isfor entertainment purposes only.
Marriage Compatibility By Numerology Horoscope
Marriage Compatibility By Numerology – is a marriage matching apptofind marriage compatibility of couples/partners based onNumerologyHoroscope. Matrimonial alliance for bride/groom/boy/girlcan befine-tuned using Marriage Compatibility By Numerology App inorderto achieve a compatible partner or spouse based onNumerologyprinciples. In addition to the marriage compatibility,this Appalso provides each partner’s characteristics (based on dateofbirth as well as name). Couples or would be couples can studyeachother’s characteristics and make adjustments to increasethechances of success in a marriage based on Numerology Horoscope.Incase you are evaluating your live-in partner or soul mateformarriage, use the marriage compatibility i.e. marriagematchpercentage and description of your partner’s characteristics.Thiscan be helpful in increasing your understanding of yourpartner’sbehavior as an input to relationship management based onNumerologyHoroscope. For couples, marriage compatibility can be lowor highbut it is important to note that irrespective of the extentof thecompatibility for the couple, it can always be improved tosomeextent by studying the basic characteristics of each otherbased onwell known Numerology principles. While finding outmarriagecompatibility for marriage matching based on NumerologyHoroscope,correct date of birth and name should be used . All thefeatures ofthis App are perfect for fun and entertainment only, andare basedon Chaldean Numerology. After you have used this App,pleaseconsider rating this App. Disclaimer: Champions ITConsultancyPrivate Limited ('Numerology Help') provides informationbased onNumerology FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. We do not claimthat wecan predict the future or that information provided by uswill bereliable or accurate. If you (or anyone on your behalf) usethissite or any App provided by us, and/or the information providedbythis site or any of our Apps or through telephone consultationorin-person, whether directly or indirectly, you will do so atyourown risk. The information provided by Numerology Help shouldnever,in any case, be considered as professional advice nor shouldit beused as such. Advice from doctors, lawyers,registeredpractitioners, or other professionals should be reliedupon asneeded. Numerology Help is for entertainment purposes only.